As part of a new series, Author’s Corner, I will
interview different authors and allow them a platform to discuss their books
and their stories on how they got started as a writer. My first author in this
series is Leah M. Forney, author Unapologetically Me. In this book, Forney recounts her personal story of abandonment and
redemption to inspire others and teach them that even the painful parts of our
lives have a purpose.
TBW: What do you want others to take from your story?
LF: I want people to take away hope from my story. I didn't
have the ideal upbringing like many of my friends did. But, I was determined to
not a statistic but to be a beacon of hope for men, women, and children just
like me. I am a firm believer that it is not how you start it is how you end
that matters.
TBW: How difficult was it to write your story?
LF: It was very difficult because it was therapeutic for me.
I was writing about a lot of traumas that many people like myself have faced
and still go through. It was a release for me.
TBW: What advice do you have for someone who is scared to
tell their story?
LF: My advice would
be do it anyway. Make sure that you have already gone through the process of
healing before you release it to the world. I had to make sure that I was in a
healthy place first before I released my book because of the many traumas that
are being talked about in my book.
TBW: Did you notify your family that you were writing your
book before you started? If so, what was their reaction?
LF: Lol. I told them a few months before the book was
released. I wanted to prepare them for what was in my book. They have been
supportive of my book which has made it easy for me to keep doing what I love
to do which is write.
TBW: What are your hopes for this project?
LF: My hope for this project is to motivate, inspire, and
encourage a generation of hopeless and helpless people. There is more to life
than your present-day circumstances. I am witness that God can do more with
your pain than you can ever imagine. Your pain has a purpose.
TBW: Do have plans of writing more books?
LF: Absolutely. I am releasing two in 2018. My second book
is releasing early 2018. I am excited about this one. It's entitled The Courage
to Win: Igniting the winner within.
TBW: What is the most difficult part of your artistic
LF: The most difficult part is writing. I give a lot of thought
to what I want my next book to be about. I think about what my readers need to
hear in this season of their lives. Once I have an idea then the hard part
starts which is writing. I always know that this is something I should be
writing and releasing because the words flow easily. If I am stuck in my
writing, it is usually an indication for me that this is not the direction to
go in.
TBW: Do you have a favorite author or book?
LF: Yes, I have several. Right now, my favorite author is
Shonda Rhimes. She is such an inspiration for me. Her book, “The Year of Yes”,
was my motivation to keep writing my book. I love to read books by Sarah Jakes
Roberts, Pastor John Gray, Steve Harvey just to name a few.
TBW: If you could tell your younger writer self-anything,
what would it be?
LF: I would have told her to keep writing. I used to write a
lot as a child because it was my way of releasing pain of not being raised by
my parents. I gave up writing for a while. So, I would have told my younger
self to keep writing because one day your story is going to matter to millions
of people all over the world.
TBW: What does literary success look like to you?
LF: Literary success
for me is inspiring one person. It wasn't my plan to be an author. It was God's
plan. If I can be a light in a dark place for people than I believe I am
TBW: How has this book changed your life?
LF: Wow. My
life has changed so much since becoming an author. I have had many opportunities
as an author to be on the radio, blogs, magazine features, touring in different
cities. It has been a life changing experience for me. I have always been the
person who was comfortable being behind the scenes. Now, I am being called to
the front. It is still an adjustment some days to my new normal. But, I
wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
Leah's book is bold and audacious and I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for inspiration on how you can overcome the tough obstacles life throws at you.
Unapologetically Me can be purchased on Amazon at the link below:
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