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Showing posts from October, 2017

What Color is Your Parachute: 2018

What Color is your Parachute? 2018, by Richard N. Bolles is a Job Hunter and Career Changer manual. This book takes one on a journey of self-reflection and personal growth on finding the career that is right for him/her. It's filled with resources, charts and graphs as a guide for those who need in depth knowledge and training on choosing the right path. My all-time favorite is the Myers-Briggs Test. I also enjoyed seeing the tips on the employer questions to prepare for the interview.This is awesome for those who have been out of the work force for a while or have been in one company. It’s always great to have a reminder of what employers are looking for and if one’s personality is a good match for the position. Another aspect that I enjoyed about this book was the “Blue Pages”. This section goes in depth about the purpose to finding one’s mission in life and avoiding making the same mistake twice with finding the perfect career. I do rate this book a 5 out of 5. It’s one of thos